Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Worst Non-Date Ever...

Ok, well maybe not... but still pretty frustrating...  I got STOOD UP!

Poly Dude (PD) answers my ad, we hit it off and chat all day...  things get pretty heated and he tells me about his girl (Poly Girl - PG) who'd love to join in as well...   there are a few wrinkles to work out, but all in all it seems like an excellent situation to explore.  We make plans for Tuesday night without confirming a location... PD says he'll e-mail/text me on Tuesday to let me know where and if PG would be joining us as well... We wish each other a good night and all is well with the world...

Tuesday morning... he's not online... I send off a quick text to say goodmorning to him and PG...

Tuesday afternoon... still no contact...  decide to wait until 3 before officially pronouncing myself 'stood up' ...

3 o'clock comes and goes...

5:30 in my car on the way home, I give him a call... goes to voicemail...



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