Monday, September 27, 2010

Some More Thoughts...

I appreciate everyone's personal input to me about abuse and inappropriate reactions.  I have a lot of thinking to do, and re-reading my post from earlier I certainly was very emotional still when I wrote it.  Some more factual information about the incident:

1) I was in fact disobeying His long-standing request to not cling to Him so hard
2) Face slapping IS a common occurrence between us, so it's not unusual for that to have been His reaction
3) He is human, and humans make mistakes.

Did He over-react? Yes, even He has admitted that.

Will He do it again? Only time will tell.

Could He have chosen a better place to hit me as a reprimand? HELL YES!

Did he purposefully physically abuse me? No.

As Dear Husband has pointed out - discipline isn't supposed to be sexy, and only I can decide if it was abuse or not, and if it's something I can live with, and if so in what way.  The migraine issue is what complicates things.  If it weren't for the migraine I'd have had nothing to write about.  Do I expect a higher standard of attention and care for my safety by putting myself in the position I do with Him? Yes, of course.  But He is still human.

My plans for tonight have fallen through, so He and I will have a long discussion tonight.  I promise all of you, Dear Readers, that I will not just lie down and take it, or accept an apology or situation I'm not comfortable with, just because I carry the label 'slave'.

1 comment:

  1. You carry that label because you're specifically not one.

    Best wishes.

