Friday, July 30, 2010

This guy just doesn't make the grade

I honestly don't have words for this ad - this guy posts this identical ad, word for word, probably every month or so... it's OBVIOUSLY not working for him, so why is he still posting it?  Seriously dude... try another tactic - this one isn't cutting it.

See you all on Tuesday!


Hold On Right There! 

Before you read this... 

If you are flaky, boring or you're a psychotic stalker chick, then please stop reading this now and find someone else to terrorize! :P 

Otherwise, if you are fun & cute, then read every word on this page very carefully cuz you might win 1000 CAS.H!!! 

Yes! 1000 big mahoneys!! 

So my best friend, she suggested that I post this here as a sort of experiment... 

Maybe you are that special girl and you are reading this right now! 

Maybe not. 

But one thing is for sure, unlike all those lovable losers out there that are desperate for just any kind of girl 

I'm extremely specific about the type of girl I want. 

Actually, it's a very stringent screening process. 

And guess what? 

I made a little quiz, so that it would save your time and well as mine! 

By answering these simple, yet revealing questions, you will tell me everything I need to know about you in order to see if you are THAT special girl (or at least close to it) 

Amazing isn't it? 

This took many years of study and research to develop! 

Don't believe me? 

Why don't you give it a shot: 


Here's goes:. 




What do cows drink? 

Your answer: _________________ 


can you rub your tummy in a circle and stomp your head with your 
fist at the same time? 

Your answer: _________________ 

what is your best pickup line? 

Your answer: _________________ 


If you were to take me on a surprise vacation anywhere in the world, 
where would you take me, and what would we do? 

Your answer: _________________ 


what would you rather have? 1 year of amazing, toe-curling, 
neighbor-calling-911 sex and the next year of no sex, OR would you 
rather have 2 years of so-so sex? 

Your answer: _________________ 


If you win this challenge, and if you had to choose, would you 

a)take the 1000 dollar prize OR 
b)trade it for a date with me? 

Your answer: _________________ 

Your name __________________ 

*optional - attach your photo. 


Am I being too strict? 

Well good, because I like a girl who is confident enough for a challenge. 

Just a word of caution, be honest. 

Because if you lied, I can tell... and that would get you automatically disqualified (unless you're flirting) ;) 


So I'll be leaving this posting up for a few days to see what happens... 

Oh yeah, almost forgot: 

Some logistics: 

"You must be 18-26 to participate, female, attractive, single, drug-free and healthy" 

Looking forward to your answers! 

Good luck! 

P.S. So go ahead and send me your answers now! Who knows. Maybe we'll click and maybe we won't. But, at the very least, you won't be replying to someone boring, typical guy and maybe, just maybe, it will all turn out great. 

1 comment:

  1. I think that was possibly the lamest thing I have ever read in my entire life!

    "can you rub your tummy in a circle and stomp your head with your fist at the same time?"

    what? stomp your head with your fist? *confused*

    "Am I being too strict? Well good, because I like a girl who is confident enough for a challenge."

    Wait, what? *confused* What does being strict have to do with being confident or challenged?

    "Actually, it's a very stringent screening process."

    which is why he is looking on CL?

    Ah...*tears* that was a good laugh.
    Thank you for sharing lady!
