Wednesday, July 28, 2010

I lied

I promised you all something interesting today, didn't I?

I have decided that I need a new place to troll for partners, and I had an interesting conversation with my theater date this past weekend about this very situation.

First though, let's delve a little more in to my demographics:
  • I am poor (ok, I'm not, but I also can't afford the 'nicer things in life' that the petty vain part of me desires)
  • I am stuck in a dead end job with no hope of career advancement
  • I am very liberal in my affections
Then it hit me... what I need is a Sugar Daddy!  Some high powered executive mentor who will introduce me to his network, help me jump start my career, and pay for me to look the part and get used to the lifestyle in which I will soon become accustomed to, all in exchange for some of mind blowing head.  Sounds ideal, right?

So where do I find a Sugar Daddy?

And how do I integrate him in to life with DH and LD?  And my as-yet-named boytoy... perhaps I need an elderly Sugar Daddy with memory problems ("Don't you remember my visit last week, when I did that thing with my tongue that you love so much?")

Honestly though, I'm not sure if I could do it...  It seems too much like mixing business with pleasure.  I have no qualms with sex work - I've done porn, I've worked as a pro-sub and pro-Domme, and I'm looking to get in to escorting... but it's just business...  money in exchange for services.  No artificial emotion thrown in.

and on the other hand, I'm sure that if I sucked the brains out of LD I could clean His bank account dry without much protest... when we first started going out He confessed that He enjoyed lavishing gifts on His girlfriends and I specifically asked Him not to because it made me uncomfortable.  Like he was buying my love or affections.  

The whole concept of a Sugar Daddy seems to blend these two together too much... it's like hiring an escort to love you... and I'm just not sure I can do that.

So for the time being, LD is helping me with my resume and the contacts that He has in the city, and I continue to suck Him dry on a regular basis... I guess that sort of makes Him my.. Splenda Daddy?

The vain petty pretty princess in me though thinks it might be fun to find one of these guys and let him buy me a new wardrobe, or shoes, or hair extensions, or jewelry, or.. or.. or...

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