Friday, February 5, 2010

Persistence is a Virtue

Wednesday night is mostly an endorphin fueled blur... I honestly don't remember much after being laced in to the corset... other than discovering afterwards that He'd broken a cane on my ass without me even noticing..  

Yesterday after work while getting undressed for bed I discovered approx. 3" diameter bruises on each ass cheek (hard to tell when looking over your shoulder in to a mirror, and you can bet I'm not letting DH anywhere near them!) The right one is practically black; the left one hot and hard.  Waking up this morning they'd gotten slightly larger and darker.  Wikipedia assures me that bruises take about 72 hours to reach their peak, so hopefully that means they won't get too much worse and I can explain to my tattoo artist why my ass is so perfectly bruised when I undress next Wednesday for him. Think he'll buy the "I slipped and fell" story?

Lesson of the story - don't complain or express wonderment over how your ass hasn't bruised.  Karma will help you out.

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