I was hoping that maybe y'all could do me a really big favour... I don't THINK it's too much to ask... I mean, I know that I haven't known some of you for very long.. but others.. we go way back, yeah?
See the 7 million icons along the right side of my blog? Those are all to refer the site to different social networking pages.
Could y'all start clicking on them? If you recommend my page to some place like stumbled upon or digg, it really increases my exposure, and we all know how much I enjoy being exposed!
It seriously helps me get new readers, and you have no idea how excited I get when I find out that people I DON'T ACTUALLY KNOW IN PERSON are reading the blog.
I think that I may have had a very small orgasm the other day when a *stranger* commented...
When I am internet famous, I will be sure to look kindly upon you all and credit you for helping to spread the word of RB.
I hope that your orgasm wasn't too small.