"Back in the day" it was perfectly normal for people to date a number of people concurrently - teens didn't rush in to 'exclusive' relationships. Look at the Archie/Betty/Veronica love triangle. A good commentary on how society is changing is the simple fact that just recently they made Archie choose one over the other. None of this 'loving two girls' crap anymore.
These days, a girl who chooses to date more than one person at a time is viewed as somehow dishonest, or a tramp. I'm not talking about single girls who have strings of first dates, with the occasional second date thrown in. It seems that if a person is interested in someone past a second date, you've immediately entered in to an unspoken exclusive relationship... it's not kosher to be casually dating more than one guy at a time. This isn't Free Love Movement stuff either - it was far more mainstream... much as it was common to refer to your girlfriend as your 'baby' or 'little girl' or other terms that are now considered patronizing and condescending and not-at-all-PC.
Mind you, once you made a commitment and got married you were stuck in monogamy... so it's not like there was ever a time where I wouldn't have had to be careful around other people about mentioning DH when I'm with LD and LD when I'm with DH...
but wouldn't it be nice?
I suppose if we were all hippies and lived on one big commune people wouldn't look twice at my many lovers... but sadly I will never live in a world where I can be free and open about my relationships.
It's a good thing I've gotten very good at censoring my references to having a husband, or a lover...
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