Friday, July 23, 2010


Normally I would be filled with the same amount of jubilation and lassaiz-fair as the next person on a Friday, however I have a wicked wicked case of IPS (Irritable Piggy Syndrome), for the following reasons:

1) I'm hormonal, and while the bleeding has stopped and i had a reprieve from the cramps yesterday, they are back in full force along with back pain and my headache
2) My shirt does not back up with my bra - it is a deeper 'V' neck and so you can see my bra unless I tug my shirt to cover it every 3 seconds.
3) I feel fat, and the breakfast of bagel and donut did not help any
4) I was running late this morning, which is why I ended up with a bagel and donut for breakfast, and why I have no lunch except for a package of 'emergency' rice cakes at my desk
5) my middle finger hurts, because I have had to file it down as far as it will go.  I don't think that I want to get in to the misery and rage and all over temper-tantrumnyness of this situation.  We'll leave it at my typing is fucked up and the finger hurts.. it is however a large part of my foul mood at the moment
6) I was running late and couldn't find any of the panties that I packed, so I'm wearing jeans without panties and every time my christina rubs against the seam I have a flash of fear that it's going to catch and there will be a big bloody wreck between my legs
7) Things aren't going as smoothly with greedy as I'd like
8) My job sucks, and my coworker has come back from her honeymoon even more full of hatred for her place in this company and is being quite vociferous about it
9) My car is making a funny noise which I suspect is spelling doom to any savings I've managed to accumulate
10) My acne is out of control

Is it time to go home yet and just knock myself out?  At least while comatose I can't be this cranky.

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