Thursday, July 1, 2010

10 Things...

... that are stressing me out

  1. DH and I may need to sell our house because it's making me sick (see previous posts about migraines)... I see my neurologist tonight for one last brainstorming session for other causes
  2. Another one of my medical conditions, mostly dormant for the last 3 years, has come back in full force, adding a new level of hell to my daily life
  3. My health is a lot like dominos... when one thing flares up it often puts enough stress on my body for other things to flare up... which have.
  4. Because of this, I've taken quite a few sick days recently.  My boss has insinuated that I haven't actually been sick and have just been avoiding him because of a critical comment he made.  He has now taken away my accommodations and I have to have a very unpleasant conversation with him about all of this
  5. In an effort to try and be the "voice of reason", LD decided to point out my boss' side of things, very much sounding like he was defending my boss.  This is/was greatly upsetting
  6. I have 2 outstanding traffic tickets I need to deal with - I'm currently waiting for court dates and trying to decide if $600 to have someone fight both of them is worth it
  7. money, Money, MONEY... where is it?
  8. Where the hell are the non-creepy bisexual submissive men?  Would we have better luck trying to bed a unicorn?
  9. I am still living with DH in an effort to continue to give LD some time to himself.  My head hurts.  I'm nauseous.  Maybe I can make it down to 165 and get my hair extensions.
  10. Both of my boys feel frustrated and powerless to make me feel any better

One of the conditions that is starting to give me some minor trouble (minor being relative) requires me to use a cane.  This is the first time I've had to use my cane at this job and I'm torn over inquiries about it.

I hate talking about my conditions - it's no ones business at work what's wrong with me, so on the one hand, I appreciate the people who haven't said a word and act as if nothing is unusual.  On the other hand -what the hell? Do they not care?  If I saw a coworker *relatively* fine one day and shuffling along with a cane the next, I'd inquire about how they're feeling at the very least.

The people who do ask - Are they asking because they're genuinely concerned about how I'm doing, or are they just nosy?  Looking for gossip?  How long before they go to my boss and he spills the beans despite me telling him my disclosure is confidential... he certainly hasn't held back with other details about my health (our entire sales force knows that my house is making me sick).


  1. wow, your boss is a douche!

    I totally know what you mean about your health issues being like dominoes, mine messes with me in the same way. =/ It royally sucks, and is very very frustrating.

  2. Wow, I just happened upon your blog and that is just so much at once. Too much.

    And the first thing alone is so stressful. A move alone even a move your looking forward to is stressful but add in all that other stuff and man, way too much stress at one time.


  3. @Melissa - I totally agree... and I think that he's realized how deplorable his actions have been (and how they open him up to legal action) and he's been avoiding me ever since...

    Welcome! I'm normally not so melancholy - please check out the archives and some of my crazier hijinks :D

  4. Interestingly, I've heard "unicorn" used to describe people trying to find single bisexual women.
