- I can truly trust this man with my very life and body. Saturday morning I asked Him if He had actually meant to scar me - His response was "yes, but in the end the thought of being cut and scarred seemed to terrify you enough, so I didn't"
- This man can find my edges, and even when I am completely falling apart and unable to articulate, He keeps me from falling over that edge and keeps me safe.
- I will never, ever disrespect Him or our relationship again
- Knife play, while theoretically hot, actually terrifies me for some reason. This is odd because I play with knives in the kitchen all of the time, I cut myself all of the time, and honestly Him cutting me as He has planned wouldn't have hurt worse than my tattoo or piercings... yet for some reason I completely fell apart.
- I will *always* associate that wicked knife with punishment. It is so difficult to find something to 'punish' someone with when they like everything. We've found something that I decidedly don't like (more than I don't like the dragon tail)
The ongoing story of a kinky poly woman's search for a secondary partner. Details of the blood, sweat, and tears (literally!) that are going in to the rigorous testing process and the successes and failures that have come of it.
Monday, May 31, 2010
Finding the Edge...
Friday, May 28, 2010
More Best of Craigslist
Toronto Slaves Get Yourself Ready - m4mw - 30 (Spadina)
I know that you are out there, waiting for direction! Waiting to be ordered. I seek a slave, or slaves who are highly obedient, prefer Slaves who drive, chauffeur you shall become, Cook, clean you do it all! Hope you have a place to host, not a necessity but would be ideal. I like the idea of having a BF Slave someone who masquerade as anything I require when I require it. I stand about 5.8, 178 pounds, husky stomach, average body, 7 inch uncut cock, brwn eyes, East Indian decent, and very bitchy and assholish! I only think about myself as that is how a Master thinks of course and you should come without brain power except only to listen and to do what I say and when I ask no questions ASKED! I require pics, face, body, ass, cock. I like Slaves from 19-60
I like being sucked, swallowed, rimmed, kisses licked ect. I like watching others in sexual acts of pleasure, it depends on my mood. You will become a petting zoo for Other Masters or Mistresses depending if I deem you good looking or worthy.
Looking for someone today whose willing to suck, swallow and please ALSO bring moving boxes, you will pack my room while you are busy serving me!
Thursday, May 27, 2010
An Apology
Tuesday, May 25, 2010
Torture Garden
So sorry I missed you all at Torture Garden... I managed to say hello to some people I recognized, but dee, etc - we should have made more definite plans than "I'm sure we'll manage to bump in to each other" ...
That and we sort of got bored and left around 1am...
You see Dear Readers, it seems that LD and I never learn - we've yet to go to a play party with a dance floor and not leave bored. We've got a few things going against us. First of all, LD is from Montreal, where the scene is quite different... from what I understand, Toronto is quite tame in comparison. I don't think that LD has yet to see anything in Toronto which has impressed Him, and His idea of 'tame' doesn't always jive with the community here (which can get us in trouble). Also, we don't really dance. Finally, when we go to a play party, it's to.. you know... play...
So you end up with an event like Torture Garden, which is hailed as this long weekend extravaganza of kink and bad-assery, and except for the small section of play space (5 pieces of equipment and a second small section for non-equipment play) is essentially just a dance club with costumes. The Torture Garden website had a very short list of rules for the dungeon, which boiled down to - no genital penetration, no breathplay, no fire play - we thought we were set to be able to have this big crazy hardcore scene. Arriving at the entrance to the play space, there was a list of rules longer than the commandments. Dudes, when even GOD is less restrictive, you've got problems.
and so did we... one of the rules was "no genital nudity" ... I was wearing a very small lace dress without panties. While LD did try to insert some ginger, which was clearly a no-no (bad LD!), at one point my skirt got hiked up and he grabbed me by the crotch, which apparently counted as nudity, or penetration, or both, and the DM kicked us out of the dungeon.
Let's ignore the fact that LD was pressed up right against me and it was dark - the DM must have been keeping a really close eye on us to notice that my skirt was hiked up enough for my cunt to be uncovered. Let's ignore the fact that because LD was pressed up so close to me, no one could see anything. Oh well, live and learn. I was mildly ticked off on the way home that LD had gotten us kicked out of the dungeon - I HAD pointed out the 'no genital nudity' rule, as well as the 'no penetration' rule a couple of times prior to the start of our scene. Once the rope starts going on me, I go in to la-la land pretty quickly and honestly didn't realize we had done anything wrong or were being kicked out until LD ended the scene early.
Once we left the dungeon area and descended into the throng of dancers once more, we didn't stay long. Are we so jaded and "been there, seen that" that men flying through the air, suspended by hooks in their flesh, and women fellating squid just aren't titillating enough for us? Around 1am we decided to leave, and that's when (sadly) I got my biggest (and only) bruise of the evening.
On our way out of the club, LD still had me on my leash. As He tugged me towards the door, a Domme in red latex decided she wanted to go to the second floor, via the staircase that was on the other side of my leash.
Can you see where this is going Dear Readers?
Despite a number of panicked cries of "EXCUSE ME", and attempted to grab at her, she plowed right through the leash. Me on my sky-high heels on the uneven floor never stood a chance. Down I went. Flailing madly, the leash partly caught my fall, but left quite the impressive bruise on the underside of my left arm.
I think that the lesson that LD and I have learned, is to avoid play parties that feature a DJ and dance floor as a main attraction (TG, subspace, etc). They are clearly not organized with play as the focus, and as fun as people watching and gazing at the fetwear can be... we're just not Stand and Model.
Even at the parties that are more play focussed (i.e. K4P), I leave feeling that we could have had a much more satisfying 'scene' if we had stayed at home. LD and I are just too much in to kinks and activities that are verboten at public events... breathplay and penetration as a couple of examples.
I woke up Sunday morning with some welts on my ass that have long faded, a big purple bruise on my arm, and resolve that next play party we attend should be in Montreal.
Perhaps with a more permissive community, and some advanced discussion with the organizer, we can have a truly satisfying public scene.
Friday, May 21, 2010
Thursday, May 20, 2010
My Secret...
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
In the Spirit...
Prize quality may vary... One week it could be a gift card, the next week some homemade jewelry or baked good... or perhaps some random flotsam from the bottom of my purse (I'm kidding) .. (I think).
Speaking of prizes... Just a reminder that the Rubenesque Brunette's Big Bad Boost Readership contest is still in full swing and without any entries. Winning should be a breeze! Forget how to enter? Go here.
This isn't Gay at all...
Tuesday, May 18, 2010
Going Pro
I'm no stranger to sex work... I've been a porn star and a pro-sub/pro-Domme, but I've never straight up 'escorted' ... which I suppose doing 'freelance fetish work' I am essentially doing.
With DHs blessing to take on this part-time job, LD has graciously agreed to be my pimp... I am positive dear readers that along with some extra pocket money, this will be an unending supply of wonderful stories for you all.
While porn was a waste of time (You get paid for 1 hour of actual filming, that takes approximately 8 hours to actually get done), and the dungeon I worked for was a waste of time (too many 'unpaid' shifts, and the commute was too long), doing 'freelance' work will hopefully cut out all of the time-wasters and middle-men that made sex work less than ideal as a primary income.
If nothing else I'll have some fun 'playing hooker' ;)
Monday, May 17, 2010
Translation Please
I was going to post a long and rambling angst-fest about my evening yesterday when I thought to myself "I don't even want to dwell on yesterday long enough to write about it - why would my Dear Readers sit through reading it?" So instead, I ask you all to tell me WHAT THE FUCK THIS GUY IS SAYING!
bb btm for bb pnp tops - m4mw (Toronto) 28yr
BB PNP action now.
Friday, May 14, 2010
Finding a Third for my Secondary
- submissive
- bisexual
- attractive (in our opinion)
- adventurous in their kinks and/or shares some of our kinks
Thursday, May 13, 2010
The Return of 'The Worst of Craigslist'
Shower service req'd tomorrow - m4mw - 50 (Queens Quay West)
A tall, fit, professional alpha male seeks a shower slave to wash me from the waist down, front and back, drink my pee, tongue check my ass for total
cleanliness as far as your tongue can reach, suck, swallow and leave.
single male, handsome, outgoing, smart, seeks a non smoking girl 23+ to be a foot friend, free salon pedicures, shoe shopping, foot massages. also good friendship talks and outings. only interested in those who can talk and meet soon. no fakes, phonies, frauds, time wasting.
Seeking Foot Friend - w4m (Rexdale) 26yr
***Originally posted in W4M but was flagged for some reason... I really feel
it belongs in that category though***
I really enjoy having my feet worshipped and am looking for a foot friend to worship them on a regular basis.
You must have a car, be able to host, and be in your 20's or 30's.
Ideally, you would be a little submissive and like doing things for me like driving me around when I need to go somewhere, take me for pedicures (or if
you know how to give them - give me pedicures), perhaps even buy me shoes on occasion or give me gifts/tribute.
I would like a friend too though... someone I can go for coffee with, or watch a movie with.
If you are interested, reply with a picture.
me: pretty petite brunette, cute size 7 feet, white, easygoing, 420 friendly.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Swinger's Party: Part III
- Being proven right that SwingerWoman likes to talk the talk but isn't actually bi - I couldn't get any further than some light petting...
- Alternative Girl being exceedingly fascinated with my Christina piercing
- Watching Porn 'Stache and Asian Lady only fuck each other, and wondering what the hell they're doing at a swingers party, after SwingerMan and SwingerWoman specifically commented about people like that during our screening (remember, these are people who had been invited back).
- Kissing Alternative Guy and finding out that he's not a very good kisser.
- Having Alternative Guy go down on me and fearing that his tongue stud would get caught in my VCH ring. It didn't, but between my two piercings, his tongue ring, and his ineptitude, there was an awful lot of metal down there and wasn't very fulfilling.
- Alternative girl and guy taking turns going down on me... she was marginally better.
- Alternative girl hurting her shoulder while being fucked on the floor by Geeky
- Faking 2 (or was it 3?) orgasms with Alternative Guy and wondering if he was ever going to fuck me, or just camp out between my legs all night. Resist from asking him if he's planning on doing anything interesting down there.
- Looking around and realizing that NO ONE was fucking... maybe 4 or 5 people fucked the entire time, the rest was all petting and oral.
- Erik the Viking camping out on Perky Tits and sending her to rapturous joy repeatedly with his (apparently) astounding oral skills (can you blame him? the guys got to compensate somehow)
- Erik the Viking's Wench making a comment about wanting a turn with Perky Tits, and then SHE camped out eating her out.
- Erik the Viking moving on to SwingerWoman, eating her out for forever, climbing on top of her and reaching his 'edge' in about 15 seconds. In retrospect I wonder how he managed a condom (yes, when flaccid it COMPLETELY DISAPPEARED)
- SwingerMan being the first to start fucking - fucking Alternative Girl who is apparently the one who wanted the DP (which did not happen, as I predicted), and then finding out afterwards that the two women that SwingerMan fucked, he did without condoms.
- Laying on the bed, watching the fuzzy room full of flesh, when Boris comes over and starts eating me out (what is it with this party and oral?!)... finally he fucks me and I spend the time biting my tongue so as not to tell him to put his back in to it. Fake 2 more orgasms with him.
- Watching Alternative Girl give bad sloppy oral to LD
- Watching all of the men be *very* *very* careful not to accidentally touch
- Erik the Viking giving me the once over and expressing regret that he "never got over" to me
- Multiple oohs and aahs over my tattoo. Have to fudge it when I start talking about my next tattoo (a similar piece but with a kinky theme) saying that I "wasn't sure of a design yet"
- The entire time, trying not to reveal that LD wasn't my husband/primary through comments referring to DH (for example, talking about some movie, LD expressed no knowledge of it, and I almost blurted out "oh hey, we own that - I'll bring it over some time")
- All of the women, save myself, getting dressed immediately in either a robe/towel of their clothing before joining the group in the living room. The men remain naked. Uh guys - we were ALL JUST TOUCHING IN THE OTHER ROOM. WE'VE ALL SEEN WHAT YOU HAVE TO OFFER.
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
The Swinger's Party: Part II
Monday, May 10, 2010
Rubenesque Brunette's Big Bad Boost Readership Contest (tm)

Swingers Party: Part I
Friday, May 7, 2010
A Contest? How new and exciting!
Thursday, May 6, 2010
Order Now! Supplies are limited!
- Start Dating and/or Marry a Dedicated Athlete. Preferably one who is slightly picky and eats only meat, carbs and junk food. When he's at his peak (I use 'he' because let's be honest, are there any men reading this? (Hi LD!) Let alone any men watching their weight? (oh, Hi LD again!)) he will eat anything that is too slow to get out of his way. This in and of itself can be an effective weight loss technique, provided you are able to suture the bite marks closed yourself. Emergency room doctor's get curious after the 4th or 5th time you come in with missing flesh.
Come to think of it, he'll eat that way even when he's not riding (er.. or participating in whatever sport your athlete participates in). You need to do this, because my weight loss plan is so effective, you need some added challenges to stop you from losing weight too quickly. Having a ton of junk food in the house is the perfect way to do this.
- Purchase a House. Not any house! This house must be older (but not too old) and located within walking distance of an oil refinery and a field of radio towers. Walking distance to a Turtle Jacks and variety of mexican/pizza/chinese places also helps. Once again, this is to prevent you from wasting away completely as well as assist you with the next step.
- Develop a migraine. This migraine has to be a permanent fixture in your life - not one of those pansy-ass 1 or 2 day jobs... not even one of those ones that puts you out of commission for a week. This migraine has to last for AT LEAST a year.
Methods for developing this migraine include inhalation of various molds and/or hydrocarbons, exposure to a large field of radio waves, extensive and noisy renovations on the house you just purchased, consumption of triggering foods, blunt force trauma to the head, or manipulating the weather to produce a metric ass-ton of rain.
- Stop Eating. Here's really the most important step. Let this migraine fester until you are unbearably nauseous... about 10 months should do it. Stop eating everything but the BRAT diet - Bananas, Rice, Applesauce and Toast (easiest to digest foods).
Make sure that you dislike at least one of these foods (applesauce) and quickly get sick of two more of them (bananas and rice), leaving you with the ability to only eat one single food (bread). A loaf of bread should last you about a week and a half. Yes, I realize that this is pretty fast when you're eating nothing but bread, but that's the beauty of this diet - you can eat as much bread as you can stomach (heh)! No need to conserve your bread consumption. Can I say bread again in this paragraph? bread bread bread bread. This is not a low-carb diet. bread.
- Start Eating Again. After about 8 weeks, move out of your house and wait for the migraine to disappear. Huzzah! You are now able to eat 'real' food again. At this point, your stomach will have atrophied to the point where you have the capacity to eat similar to that of a toddler or supermodel. Spend a week feeling gross as you adjust to the fact that you can not finish a kids meal at most eating establishments. Continue to eat these smaller portions on a permanent basis.