Friday, May 7, 2010


A Note from RB: I will be posting on a M-F schedule, so don't be surprised when there are no updates this weekend.  Never fear though Dear Readers, I will be back on Monday with something inspiring and hilarious to say... I think.  We're going to a swinger's party on Saturday, so I should have LOTS to say come Monday morning - it'll be like 6 one-night stands all compressed in to one evening.  Sort of like speed dating!  Why didn't I think of this back in September when I started doing this blog?

Now, to your regularly scheduled post...

A while back I got my hair permed.  It had been 10 years and I thought to myself "There must have been all sorts of improvements and developments in the field of chemical hair treatments, right?"  Then I thought to myself "This is going to look fantastic!" Finally, just to cement the jinx firmly in place I thought "How can this go wrong?"  

Three months later, I am finding out exactly how it can go wrong.  Apparently whatever developments that have happened in the last 10 years were not nearly enough - my hair is breaking, leaving me with a frizzy halo... a nimbus of hair, none of it longer than 4 inches.  This halo of fly-aways is getting larger every week, and my head weighs approximately 10% more than it did before the perm, from the copious amounts of hairspray I have begun using. 

A week after getting it done, the stylist gave me a 'lesson' on how to style it, and even using all of her 'super secret professional' tips, I look like a bad drag queen impersonating Madonna.  While this is an inspiring look for many occasions, it is not the look I was originally going for.

I've received permission to cut my hair off, but the question remains on how it gets done...  we have 3 options, and I'd like your input!

1. Live with the frizz for a while and set up a jaw-dropping head shaving scene at some public event
2. Let Sir drag me to his most-trusted-uber-hip-Queen-West Salon and let them go wild (on his instruction)
3. Combine the two and set up a smoking hot hair cutting scene and then let the salon tidy things up afterwards ("my niece decided to play barber while I was napping")

So Dear Readers, what are your thoughts?  I'm really inclined to beg LD to do #3.. it won't be quite as shocking as actually shaving my head bald, but will give me the advantage of having some hair left afterwards for LD to have styled.  Don't get me wrong, I have a very nicely shaped head and used to look quite good with very short hair... I just want to lose some more weight before I go completely bald, lest I look like a cue ball.

On the subject of hair, I've recently been bestowed the gift of a Tria Home Laser System which I have wanted for a while.  Much cheaper than actually going and getting hair removal done professionally, with the added benefit of not having to try and schedule big blocks of time to get stuff done.  Downside of course, being that you're doing it yourself.  

Sir seemed to think that this would just be a new toy to torture me with - He's been bugging me for almost 2 weeks now to get it charged and set up.  Finally the other night I got everything ready and told him to go wild. I'm sure He was envisioning all sorts of wicked things and ways he could make me weep and squirm, but the joke ended up being on Him.  

Save for a small patch of my most intimate areas, even on the highest setting my high pain threshold prevented me from really feeling anything.  The areas where it was painful, I quickly became paranoid of burning due to the darker skin tone, but thankfully everything is fine... good to know when I get around to actually removing the hair down there. 

This lack of pain will be a benefit when I actually start doing the hair removal because I'll be able to zip through it a lot quicker - You're supposed to treat the area twice a month for 4 months, and then once a month for 4 months, and then apparently you'll be hair free.  I'll keep you all posted on my progress, and if any of you want to borrow it, I'm sure we can come to a mutually beneficial agreement!

Coming up on Monday - Rubenesque Brunette goes back to her roots with what will surely be some hilarious sex stories!  

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