Saturday, September 4, 2010

*Puts on her Hard Hat*

For those of you who read me on your RSS feed (or get my posts delivered right to your inbox), check out the following:

1) Remember when I said that BR is back? He's been a regular commenter on the blog since then and I highly encourage you to read through my latest posts and their comments!

2) I've done some updates to the design of the blog - I'd love your input on what works for you and what doesn't.

3) Along with updating the design, I've gone back and updated all of my tags, so all posts should be tagged. If you're looking for a specific post, scroll down to the bottom of the page to the tag cloud to see if that helps. As well, if any posts seem to be missing tags, are miss-tagged, or need additional tags, please let me know!

Now go back to enjoying your long weekend - I'll see you all back here Tuesday.


  1. RE New Design - I like it! One thing I will mention though, previously followed links are hard to read in the side bar, because of the background they tend to just blend right in.

  2. I like the new design overall, but I feel the old look had a more "professional" feel to it. The font and text size is definitely easier to read. Mind you, this is just one man's opinion :)


  3. @Melissa - I've fixed the visited links, though for some reason in my browser visited links stay the same colour as unvisited links, that's why I missed it.

    @BR - are you saying that the text is easier to read in THIS version, or the old version?

  4. The text size and font is easier to read in this current version. Sorry for the confusion.


  5. And I gree that the "followed link" colour is hard to see on this background. :)


  6. @BR - have I fixed that, or is the new colour still hard to read?

  7. Links followed still appear gray, which is a bit difficult to see on darker parts of the green background.


  8. I like the new format! Very pretty! Wish there was background to title & side menus that matched the body text background as it makes it *way* easier to read.
    Maybe I'm getting old or something.

    Also more pink would be better too! *hehe*
