Thursday, June 24, 2010


Reasons to be poly:

  1. When one man gets sick of you, you can just move in with the next
  2. Multiple adoring partners
  3. You can get all of your multi-faceted needs met through the characteristics of various partners
  4. When you get sick of one man, you can just move in with the next
  5. Tax benefits
  6. It's like having your cake and eating it as well... except you still have cake left when you're done eating it... hmmmnow I want cake
  7. You're guaranteed to have a date Friday night
  8. More sex than you can shake a stick at
  9. You can make really cheesy Pokemon jokes
  10. You can fear for your physical and mental well being whenever they start talking from the fear that they may be collaborating to devise a heinous and devious plan, the end result being an attack that preys on all of your weaknesses
wait... that last one was a reason NOT to be poly...  I'm going to go cower now at the visions of what may one day happen should my two ever decide to combine their resources and knowledge...

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