Thursday, June 17, 2010

Here Fishy Fishy...

I've received quite a few replies to my latest ad... some of them the same guys who were replying to my original ads when I first started posting them...  and they're still looking for a reason thankyouverymuch.

I have received a number of replies from fresh meat as well, and one of these we'll call.... DA (for DumbAss).

DA decided that he was going to do some digging, and found the blog.  From there he made a friends request to my facebook profile (not a friend of RB yet, come friend me on facebook!) and mentioned that we had a friend in common who would vouch for him.

So of course, I contacted this friend.

I believe that the response I got was along the lines of "what a complete waste of time I wouldn't touch him again with a 10 foot pole, I can't believe he used my name"

While I appreciate her saving me an evening of wasted time and disappointment, I can't help but thinking that he may have been good for a couple of days worth of blog posts...

Guess I'll keep fishing...


  1. I hope DA reads this! Though, he sounds dumb enough not to realize its about him.

  2. Comma splice, apostrophe omission...retry.
