Wednesday, October 13, 2010


ZOMG you guys...  absolutely nothing had happened in my life... LD and I both started feeling unwell on Friday (well, ok, I started to get sick on Thursday) and so as a result we spend Friday night curled up on the couch watching The Princess Bride instead of dressed up in our Fetish Finery getting all Freaky...

The rest of the long weekend was pretty uneventful, and nothing exciting continues to happen.

Except I got all of my hair cut off yesterday, I guess that's kind of exciting...  it's now just above chin length, and I've got some cute little bangs to go with it.  I'm still getting used to it.

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to down some hot lemon and dayquil and take a nap...

Friday, October 8, 2010

Thursday, October 7, 2010


I've completely abandoned you all! I'm so sorry everyone, been caught up job hunting, running errands, proofreading fanfiction and trying to convince myself that afternoon naps just really aren't needed even though I don't have a job or anything else to do in the afternoons.

To make it up to you, I will post this weekend about the fet event that LD and I are going to tomorrow night.

I love you all... really, I do!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Please leave a message after the beep...

I have an interview today, Dear Readers, and nothing exciting has happened since we last spoke, so you're just going to have to deal with a day without content.  Sorry luvs! I promise I'll come up with something interesting tomorrow!

Monday, October 4, 2010

Saturday Night

Met up with BR for dinner, and then an local kinky art exhibit that was going on late in to the night.  A pleasant time was had by all, including a discussion on my theory as to why my emotional reaction to the events Sunday night with Master were... overblown...  Due to some other emotional instability and weird thoughts, I decided to do some research... 

Turns out Accutane can have some serious psychological side effects, including depression, suicidal thoughts and 'emotional instability'

Well that would explain why I've felt PMSy for the last couple of months.

Now that I know, I'm trying to make a conscious effort to not let my emotions rule me, or to make any life altering decisions until I'm done the Accutane.

The price we pay for beauty...

Friday, October 1, 2010

Time Flies

Is it Friday already Dear Readers?  I can't believe that time has passed so quickly!  I am now at the end of my third week living with LD, and my ... oh god... it's been 1 month and 22 days since I've lost my job.  This is a record - I don't think I've ever been unemployed this long in my life.

Maybe I should start slinging coffee again to at least bring in some money...

Maybe I should try that gold-digger website again...

Or escorting... I hear that's legal now!

In other news, I think I've been blacklisted on LinkedIn for too many connect requests - I have to enter people's e-mail addresses in order to send a request now.  Ooopsie!